Wednesday, November 27, 2019

5 Ways to Stay Focused and Stop Procrastinating

5 Ways to Stay Focused and Stop Procrastinating Procrastination, whether at work or home, is common to human nature. Sometimes, it might be procrastinating about small things such as taking your favorite suit to the dry cleaners. Sometimes, it may be something more important such as being late to turn a report in at work. There are tips that might help you to alter your mindset and remain focused. In the end, these small changes can break your procrastination habit as you find yourself getting much more accomplished.   Looking at the Big PictureWhen faced with a large project, it is sometimes simpler to break it up into sections so you can focus on one part at a time. By doing this, the task seems less overwhelming. Start with the hardest part first, and the rest will be easier to complete.  Set a Personal DeadlineMaybe you actually do have an office or home deadline to meet. For example, that big project for your boss is due on a certain date. At home, maybe your child needs help with a science project. By setting your own pe rsonal deadline ahead of the actual due dates, you will not be rushed to finish the project. Gather things together first, keep it organized and set yourself a schedule to do the work.  Schedule Your TimeTo avoid being overwhelmed, you can schedule ten-minute breaks each hour. It gives you time to get something to drink, stretch your legs a bit and collect your thoughts. Write down what you want to accomplish each day and stick to the schedule. Once you are able to see the progress you are making, you’ll be encouraged to keep going. Eventually, you may no longer need those short breaks.  Remove DistractionsIt can be difficult to keep your mind on what you are doing when you are faced with distractions. When you work at a part-time computer job, the Internet is a big distraction. You have to learn to ignore it, and save the Internet for when you have reached your goal for the day. Your mobile phone letting you know that you have messages or calls is one of them. Place your cell phone a few feet away or, better yet, in another room while working and try to resist the temptation to pick it up. An extended texting session or repeated phone calls can eat up your work time.  Plan Ahead for the DayYou’ve been working for a while and get the munchies. Trips to the pantry for a snack can cut into your productivity, especially since that trip to the kitchen can take several minutes. It might be a good idea to prepare snacks for the following day, and place them beside you while you work.  Procrastinating can keep you from finding that ideal job, but TheJobNetwork can do the job searching for you, which leaves your time free to do other things. By entering your job interests and qualifications, you will receive matches for jobs as soon as those jobs become available. TheJobNetwork works around the clock to see that you don’t miss any opportunities to find a great position. All you have to do is enter the types of jobs you are interested in, a nd list your qualifications to get alerts when jobs pop up.When you sign up for job match alert you won’t miss any opportunities.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Biology paper essays

Biology paper essays In the article, Condition Critical: An exclusive look at a U.N. assessment of Earths ecosystems shows they are strained to the limit, the author Eugene Linden begins by addressing the fact that the Earth has been showing signs of distress for the past forty years. The signs were not as noticeable at first, but as time drew on, the fact that Earth was in trouble became very clear. Linden believes that the few who take an active role in preserving the Earth and the minor programs that have been started are just not enough to stop the downfall of Earths ecosystems. At the United Nations millennial session they started a four million dollar project called the Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems (PAGE). This study will determine whether or not Earth is in the downward spiral that many scientists believe it is. This study will set the stage for a much larger twenty million dollar study called the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, which is set to begin next year. PAGE is sponsored by the U.N. Development program and the World Bank which are agencies that deal primarily with economic issues. However, their involvement in PAGE turns towards the likely possibility that if the environment of Earth is unhealthy, then economies will not prosper either. Page also points out that the worlds population is producing beyond its capacity. The Earths fishing fleets are 40% larger than the oceans can support which will eventually put a good number of fisheries out of business. In the past thirty years, global economies have increased food output and livestock production but have depleted and polluted water supplies, ruined the soil and destroyed habitats. PAGE also examines how human and industrial interference can disrupt the Earths ecosystems. PAGE reveals how the excess release of carbon dioxides and nitrogen into the atmosphere can have negative eff...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Role of the International Court of Justice Essay - 2

Role of the International Court of Justice - Essay Example contentious procedure1. This court is also responsible for giving advisory opinion regarding legal issue brought forth before the court by authorized UN and specialized agencies, i.e. the advisory procedure. This court has a number of 15 judges, and they are elected by the UN’s General Assembly. These judges normally serve for a term of 9 years, and the court is situated in Hague, the Netherlands2. This paper describes the function of this court, and it gives specific examples for purposes of demonstrating a particular role. This court is responsible for settling contentious cases, between states that agree to submit a case before it. Under this function, only member states of the United Nations can bring a case before the court, and after the ruling, the states under consideration must agree to follow and implement the ruling under consideration. It is important to understand that corporate organizations, Federal States, organs of the United Nations, and Non-Governmental Organizations cannot participate directly in the cases brought forth in the court3. However, the court allows these institutions to provide any information that would support and help the court to come up with a decisive and good conclusion regarding the case under consideration. It is important to understand that in as much as non state actors cannot participate in the proceedings of the court, a state can bring in a case in the court, for the main purpose of protecting the interests of its citizens or its own corporation. An example is the case that the United States brought before the court in 1980, in protest to the detention of American diplomats in Iran4. In this case, the judges of the ICJ ruled that Iran had violated the principles that guide diplomatic relations, and on this basis, the country should take responsibility for its actions. The court further went on to rule that