Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My View Of Christianity Changed At All Over The Course Of...

Has my view of Christianity changed at all over the course of this quarter? That seems to be quite a loaded question. My understanding of Christianity has changed drastically. I have learned where Christianity actually came from, where our roots are. I was really intrigued when we learned about why the Romans let the Jews continue to practice Judaism. The Romans were more interested with how old things were than the actual content of the thing. If Jewish religion wasn’t older than Roman religion our history may have gone much differently. Because the Romans liked old things, they let the Jews have a pass (Lecture 3/2). The question of whether my view of the Bible has changed over the course of this quarter seems to be quite a different question. My understanding of the Bible has changed quite drastically since the first week of January. As I wrote in my first paper, â€Å"My knowledge and history of the Bible is very little. I pretty much just know how to look verses up if I need to. I don’t really know how or where to go about reading from the Bible. If I read it, I open it up at random and start reading.† Boy has this be an incredibly informational quarter. I can open up a Bible now and decipher whether I am in the New or Old Testament, something I couldn’t do before. I couldn’t even tell you what makes them different from one another. I mean I knew nothing at all. I know that if I open up the Bible and find myself in Matthew, Mark, Luke or John that those are the gospels.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Religion of Self-Expression994 Words   |  4 Pages In my family, we see religion as our own personal decision; different to each individual. All the children in the Meyer family have been encouraged to explore religions and find what fit us best. As a child I was looking for a religion that I could relate to. I wanted to get in touch with nature and myself. I explored many different religions but I found no connection to them. 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